Childcare Grant
You can apply for Childcare Grant (CCG) to help cover your childcare costs if you’re an undergraduate student who has children.
How much you get depends on your household income. You don't have to pay it back.
What's available
How much you get will depend on your household income, how many dependent children you have and what your childcare costs are.
You’ll have to cover any remaining childcare costs yourself. If you’re a part-time student, you will be assessed for a reduced amount of CCG based on your study intensity.
2024 to 2025 academic year
You could get 85% of your childcare costs up to a maximum of:
- £189 a week for 1 dependent child
- £324 a week for 2 or more dependent children
If you don't have a childcare provider at the time you apply, you can still get CCG, but this will be capped at £145 per week or 85% of actual costs, whichever is lower. Once you supply childcare provider details, we’ll recalculate your funding for the higher amount.
If you’re a parent of a child between 3 and 4 years old, you may be eligible for further childcare support from the Welsh Government under the Childcare Offer (opens in a new tab) which has recently been expanded to include students who are parents.
2023 to 2024 academic year
You could get 85% of your childcare costs up to a maximum of:
- £187 a week for 1 dependent child
- £321 a week for 2 or more dependent children
If you don't have a childcare provider at the time you apply, you can still get CCG, but this will be capped at £144 per week or 85% of actual costs, whichever is lower. Once you supply childcare provider details, we’ll recalculate your funding for the higher amount.
If you’re a parent of a child between 3 and 4 years old, you may be eligible for further childcare support from the Welsh Government under the Childcare Offer (opens in a new tab) which has recently been expanded to include students who are parents.
Who qualifies
You can apply for CCG if you:
- have at least one child under 15 who depends on you financially, or under 17 if they have special educational needs
- are using a childcare provider registered by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)
- are attending a full-time or part-time course (including a distance learning course) and getting undergraduate student finance that depends on your household income
You cannot apply if you:
- claim the childcare element of Universal Credit or Working Tax Credit
- get tax-free childcare from HM Revenue and Customs
- are paying a relative to care for your child only
- or your partner are receiving funding from the NHS
How to apply
You should apply after you’ve applied for your main student finance by submitting an application form to estimate your childcare costs:
- Childcare Grant application form – 2024 to 2025 (Download PDF 199KB, opens in a new tab)
- Childcare Grant application form – 2023 to 2024 (Download PDF 223KB, opens in a new tab)
If you told us you wanted to apply for CCG when you applied for your main student finance, we’ll send you the form automatically.
Submitting evidence
You only need to give us evidence of your children in the first year of your course. You should upload a copy of one of the following:
- birth certificate for each child
- certificate of naturalisation for each child
- Home Office document confirming each child’s name and date of birth
You also need to prove your children are dependent on you. You need to submit a copy of one of the following:
- all pages of your most recent Tax Credits Award Notice naming you and all your children
- all pages of your most recent Universal Credit Award Notice naming you and the number of children on your claim
- all pages of your most recent Child Benefit letter naming all your children (this can be in your name or your partners)
We can accept downloads or screenshots of your Universal Credit statement or Child Benefit letter from your online account if you don’t have a paper copy. All pages must be clear and present.
You should upload all your documents at the same time to avoid any delays with your application.
For more information on sending us evidence, check out our dedicated evidence guidance page.
Confirming your costs
You and your childcare provider must confirm your childcare costs 3 times a year. We’ll send you a form each time you need to do this:
- Confirmation of childcare payments form – 2024 to 2025 (Download PDF 292KB, opens in a new tab)
- Confirmation of childcare payments form – 2023 to 2024 (Download PDF 312KB, opens in a new tab)
If you’ve been paid too much, we’ll deduct this amount from your next payment. Find out more about what happens when you’ve been overpaid CCG.
If you’ve not been paid enough, we’ll pay anything owed to you as soon as possible.
If you don't confirm your costs, your CCG will be stopped and you will have to pay back anything you’ve already been paid.
Getting paid
We’ll pay your money into your bank account, usually 3 times a year at the start of each term. You can then use it to pay your childcare provider.
For more information on getting paid, check out our dedicated guidance page.