Stage 2: Making an application
Part-time undergraduate, tuition fee and living cost students

Evidence you'll need

Proving your identity

If you have a valid UK passport

You can confirm your identity by entering your valid UK passport details when you apply. You do not need to send us your original passport.

You can also send us a UK passport details form:

If you do not have a valid UK passport

If you do not have a UK passport (or it has expired), you can either:

EU Settlement Scheme or other non-UK national

You can give us details from your valid identity document when you apply. You can give us details from one of the following:

  • Passport
  • National identity card
  • Biometric residence card
  • Biometric residence permit

If you're an Irish citizen, you'll need to send your original valid UK, ROI or EU passport.

If you’re applying for student finance as the family member of:

  • a UK national
  • an Irish citizen
  • a person of Northern Ireland

you need to send us your family member's original valid passport or birth or adoption certificate.

You also need to send us proof of your relationship to your family member. You can send us one of the following:

  • birth or adoption certificate
  • marriage certificate

Other evidence you might be asked to provide

Check we have everything we need to fully assess your application

We will not be able to confirm your eligibility for student finance or pay you without it.

Go to your student finance account

The best way to check the progress of your application or to find out if you have any outstanding actions is to sign into your student finance account.

If you're going to call us about the status of your application it's always a good idea to check your account first.

Send any information or evidence we've asked for

Do this as soon as possible. If you've been asked to download a form to send us - fully complete it, include any evidence and do not forget to sign and date it.